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Friday, October 4, 2013

Author Interview – J.L. Myers

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How do you work through self-doubts and fear?
Time and experience has taught me to tackle fear head-on, though I do admit I still struggle with self-doubt. Being a perfectionist and pessimist does feed my doubt at times, but when I feel it creeping in now I just look back at everything I’ve accomplished and everything have to look forward to. Having a super supportive husband helps too!
What scares you the most?
Public speaking. Give me snakes, skydiving or zombies any day!
Just the thought makes me want to hyperventilate in a closet while crouched and clutching at my knees. For me it’s always been my biggest fear, apart from failing, which I’m too stubborn to let happen. One day I’m sure I’ll have to face my fear, and the YouTube clip of me fainting will probably go viral!
What makes you happiest?
Cuddles from my son, dinner and a movie with my husband and writing makes me happiest. And chocolate…always chocolate.
What’s your greatest character strength?
My dedication would have to be my greatest strength. Whether it’s family, work or writing related, once I set my mind on a task I refuse to give up. Life will always get in the way and throw curveballs, but so long as I have a goal in mind, by hell or high water I will get to the finish line.
What’s your weakest character trait?
I am a total perfectionist, which most people would probably consider to be a strength. I used to, but not so much now. When it comes to writing my need to create perfection dominates. Although my first draft of any book is relatively smooth, bar the occasional backtracking to check for consistency, once revision sets in it’s all about structure and following the right process. First draft is for me, but revision is for you, the reader, so I want the final product to be the best it can be. Perfectionism does make this process more time consuming and draining, but in the end the result it well worth it. I hope my readers will agree J
What Lies Inside
Amelia Lamont never asked to unleash her inner vampire
Amelia’s normal teen world is shattered when a terrifying nightmare awakens the monster inside her. A newfound, insatiable thirst for blood that leads her to drain the school quarterback is only the beginning; she’s horrified to discover that her family and best friend Kendrick have been harboring the secret all along. And is the strangely alluring boy who seems hell-bent on curbing her murderous, blood-filled desires a friend, or foe?
To escape detection Amelia and her twin brother Dorian are forced to move to a new town, and the challenge of a new, exclusive high school where nearly every classmate smells like prey. Including the irresistible Ty, who seems hauntingly familiar, yet darkly menacing …
Amelia’s disturbing dreams and entanglement in a web of forbidden romance render her increasingly powerless against the chilling lies and secrets of vampire power struggles. And, as she soon discovers, vampire politics mixed with outlawed love can be a lethal cocktail.
Falling in love may just cost Amelia everything: her friends, her family…even her life
Move over Twilight, True Blood and Underworld! J.L. Myers’ first book in the Blood Bound series will have you swooning for more!
Warning – This book contains some language and sexual situations.
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre – YA Paranormal Romance
Rating – PG-13+
More details about the author and the book
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